"Innovation by definition will not be accepted at first. It takes repeated attempts, endless demonstrations, monotonous rehearsals before innovation can be accepted and internalized by an organization. This requires “courageous patience"
-- Warren Bennis.

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About IEDC

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (IEDC) is an active student-run cell under AAEC Centre, that seeks to create and promote innovation and entrepreneurship skills among the students . The cell works in close association with Kerala Startup Mission and other student clubs.

It envisions fostering innovative thinking and becoming a facilitator between the students inside the campus and the industry outside by acting as a hub of contacts and network that helps in finding the wannabe entrepreneurs the right people to approach for any task.


  • To motivate the students to think creatively and generate innovative ideas from all fields of engineering.
  • To transform innovative ideas into socially and industrially relevent products.
  • To inculcate a culture of innovation driven entrepreneurship.

  • Mission

    The E-Cell will act as an aspirational platform,for the student entrepreneurs and tech savvy innovators, in skilling and sharpening their entrepreneurial skill sets. The selected innovators will be exposed to innovation culture, emerging technologies and business aspects. E-Cell will act as an innovation platform and to create future founders by promoting innovation, technology and business learning among student community.









    Our Vision

    IEDC-AAEC shall promote and foster entrepreneurial culture in the college and will provide a platform for the students to pursue entrepreneurial activities. It shall provide assistance to potential entrepreneurs of AAEC, conduct activities that develop entrepreneurial qualities in students and shall provide common facilities to students working on start-up

    Upcoming Events